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Shirt - Discipline over Motivation

Shirt - Discipline over Motivation

Regular price $31.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $31.95 USD
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To us this shirt represents a constant reminder of the battle between what you should do and how you feel at any given moment. As a society we let our feelings dictate our actions and we believe that is a problem. You should practice discipline and do whatever it is you said you would do regardless of the situation or circumstance. If you always waited until you felt like doing something you would never do many of the critical things you must do in life.

We also depict a paintball player and reference one of our core pillars of Weltz belief which is obsession. You must obsess over your goals if you ever wish to be something more than ordinary or average. This is for all our paintballers who dont let the long grueling seasons get to them and keep coming back for more and more year after year.

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